Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Chapter 0

One million people died in Auschwitz. That means that if the average person lives to be about 80 years old, for every hour of your life, eight people would die. It was cruelty in one of the highest regards. Not only to just merely death, but more then death, loss of hope. Children were taken from their parents, only to find out later that they too were to be killed mercilessly. Or maybe they’d get “lucky and have some crazy and perverted scientist kill them in the name of science. Such things should never happen again. It wouldn’t be half as bad if the kids had gone with the parents so they could die together, it wouldn’t be half as bad had people had hope in a future. But the concentration camps were designed to destroy hope, and hope they did destroy. “There was no God in Auschwitz. There were such horrible conditions that God decided not to go there.” – Libusa Breder, Jewish prisoner, Auschwitz. Hope was lost, the only thing that possibly remained was instinct to survive, a most of that was burned up in a dark room anyway. So if hope was lost, what truly are human beings? If such a place would cause questions like this, what kind of place is this? A place where human beings are treated worse then animals, and expected to do more. A place where life was decided in a mere second, a life that took 9 months to create now takes 1 second to destroy. May this never happen again.