Sunday, March 11, 2007

Chapter 13

“Kuhn is out of his senses. Does he not see Beppo the Greek in the bunk next to him, Beppo who is twenty years old and is going to the gas chamber the day after tomorrow and knows it and lies there looking fixedly at the light without saying anything and without even thinking any more? Can Kuhn fail to realize that next time it will be his turn? Does Kuhn not understand that what has happened today is an abomination, which no propitiatory prayer, no pardon, no expiation by the guilty, which nothing at all in the power of man can ever clean gain?(130)”

We so often assume that if we love God and obey him nothing will happen to us. That is not true. God does not make our life perfect, because we not perfect. But what he does do is he helps us with our struggles. If we call out to him in our distress he will answer us. But what we want is not always what the maker of the universe wants. The maker of the universe has a mind we cannot even understand. If we then think that we can ask for something, and it was based on our own wisdom, then we are very mistaken. The folly of God is greater then man’s wisdom. So if we thank God for saving us from some horrible thing, and other people are going there, we cannot thank God for saving us, because that is a disgrace to God. Our maker has control over everything. He chooses things are right, not what we always want. To thank Him for allowing another person to die should not bring gratitude, but remorse. So what is happening is the camp is wrong. A man is thanking God because he was not killed, when those around him will be mercilessly killed. God has control of everything. This is an abomination to the human race, we should in no way thank God for sparing us. Something like the concentration camp is over our heads to know what God was thinking. So we shouldn’t try and understand. We should just accept.

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