Friday, March 2, 2007

Chapter 8

“One section of the camp itself is in fact set aside fore civilian workers of all nationalities who are compelled to stay there for a longer or shorter period in expiation of their illicit relations with
Haftlinge. This section is separated from the rest of the camp by barbed wire, and is called E – Lager, and its guests E – Haftlinge. ‘E’ is the initial for ‘Erziehung’ which means education.(83)”

Its amazing how much learning is looked down upon. In high school especially, we tend to think school is a prison. We think that education is a curse, and must be rid of. Students try and accomplish that are best they can, by talking during class, text messaging during class, and getting the cheap way out of homework. We take the ability to learn for granted. But I think that in school we are not getting the reality. School is not a prison, it is keeping others away. We are in the barbed wire, and we think we are trapped. But we are protected, from things in the world around us. In school we can mature our brain and soul, so when we are released from this protective place, we can survive. Just think for a moment what your life would be life if there were no schooling. We would live life not knowing how much fuller our existence could be. When we go to work, we wouldn’t be able to think of ways to improve our status, we wouldn’t know how to work hard to get a larger pay check. We couldn’t read books, and all in all, we would be sweeping garbage from the streets. School teaches things that we need for life, we cannot do without. So in reality when students look down and school and try to get around it, they are merely hurting their future. In conclusion, School is not a curse, it is a privilege.

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